December 2019

December has been a great month, we have attended a number of Christmas dinners with friends in Bideford and Tavistock. We also enjoyed a lovely meal with around 40 other Guide Dog puppy walkers from all over Devon, the dozen Guide Dog puppies that also came along to the meal were very well behaved!

We've also had a trip to Manchester for Rob's MA graduation, the ceremony took place in the Whitworth Hall of the University of Manchester, an impressive Victorian building. After the ceremony it was good to meet up with students and staff back at Luther King House to celebrate everyone's achievements.

Our Springer Spaniel, Poppy, still loves her walks up on Dartmoor or along the vast beach at Westward Ho! which we visit sometimes when in Bideford. Chelsea also enjoys the moors and the beach, she is our Guide Dog puppy, now seven months old and making good progress. 

We enjoyed a trip up to Petersfield in Hampshire for the dedication of baby Joel, a wonderful celebration day for the family and everyone at Petersfield URC.

At the end of this busy month, we enjoyed a full house this Christmas as all the family gathered in Tinhay for a great time together, catching up with all our various adventures. We were delighted to receive another owl box among our Christmas presents - so we end the year with a Tawny Owl box and a Barn Owl box, ready for 2020.