September 2019

September saw Suzy entering the Milton Abbot village show and doing very well, this followed her success in the Lifton village show. Rob completed his ministry at Derriford URC and began another period of Interim Ministry, this time at Lavington URC in Bideford, north Devon.

At Tinhay Retreats we hosted the Tavistock Area Christians Together away day, which was a great day of fellowship. Rob attended the South West Regional Fairtrade event in Exeter, which was an encouraging day with activists from all over Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and beyond - in response to this conference Rob was inspired to help Bideford to renew its Fairtrade Town status, which will take several months! Rob’s experience in helping Tavistock renew its Fairtrade Town status will also be useful.

It was also a joy to host Rob and Sandie’s family and friends, who had exclusive use of our campsite for a weekend, as they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. A great weekend was had by all and they have booked another weekend for another family celebration in 2020!